I covered The Dinosaur Whiteboard at the end of May 2015. Here's an interesting self referential version that explains not only the cartoon, but the original, of which it is a variation.
Although the original isn't quite as prone to the ellipsis at the end of frame 1.

The Dinosaur Whiteboard is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 Unported Licence
Other notable entries:
- Don't forget that the mammals were also around at the time of the dinosaurs. Dinosaur Killer killed. [Buni]
- Nowhere near as old as the dinosaurs was the last posting to Twitter The Comment but before it vanished it contained this horrifying variation on the marriage ceremony.
- How parents start by thinking that their children will grow up to be world-shapers but really just want them to be nice people. [Lunababoon]
- Who develops those things advertised on the daily deal sites, and why? The team attempt an answer. [rm -Rf /]
- How do you feel about the nouveau riche? [Funday Mornings]
- Political: Keep calling it a race issue because if they found out the truth ... [Truthdig]