Callous - The Comic Strip by Carlo Jose S. San Juan is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License.
Other notable entries:
- This is a monster in itself, it's long and poignant. Excellent reading on feeding the email monster [The Oatmeal]
- The three stages of troubleshooting. As anyone who's been on the wrong end of a support call can tell you his is very true. [rm -Rf /]
- I miss this cartoon, it's a shame it vanished. This is a brilliantly true example of what happens when people use voodoo programming and something doesn't work. [Breaking Fitt's Law]
- We love pushing our human failings out onto the supernatural and anthropomorphic personifications, although the personifications are probably a good target for this. Here we have Santa in a traffic accident. [Spud Comics]
- Buttersafe are OK, this one on comfort food marks their debut here [Buttersafe]
- I wish to register a complaint. [Chuckle-A-Duck]
- An old robot pontificating on the good old days. [Pie Comic]
- Decoding Baby talk. [Hamlet's Danish]
- A dancing cupcake for [Buni]
- She is wanting love [Last Kiss]
This is a backdated page from the archives. Date from posting date of the featured comics. This blog entry was really written on 24 May 2015.
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