As always, your funny bone is not my funny bone but I hope you enjoy these.
1. The old, "we know what happens, I think the kids know what's happening but somehow the target doesn't know that the kids know".
Source Web Donuts, CC Licence.
It's an oldie,but a goody and a clever take on the old paper-horse.
Other notable entries:
- And, if you like, how we all feel about the drivers on the road.
Except I've never driven a yellow car. Source Wrong Hands.
- Yet an another variation on an old joke Cat Stuck in a Tree by Toonhole. Topical in mid 2015, let's hope it still stands in 6 months time.
- It's a universal "truthoid" that child custody cases always go wrong. Thanks Wumo for this gem.
- Finally another Dinosaur Whiteboard. This one is so dumb but it made me laugh. Hopefully I wasn't unique.
Source The Dinosaur Whiteboard,
- Air Drums by Invisible Bread.
- The source of failure by Diesel Sweeties.
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